Monday, July 17, 2006

Great New Paintings

After my recent, successful, exhibition of natural media paintings I was inspired to come up with a new technique.
I never dreamt it would work so well!
Take a look at these two new images, added to the end of my existing painting folio:

More to follow soon.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm on BBC Science Radio!

I just heard myself mentioned on BBC science radio! Very freaky. I posted some ideas about Grand Unified Theory and gravitation on 'The Uncertainty Principle' website but really never thought they'd read it out. The program's an interesting, and I think brilliant, new approach to popularising science, it's a sort of semi-fictional treasure hunt documentary show. It's obviously also difficult to describe but if anyone happens across this while roaming the blogsphere you can hear the show via internet radio using this link:

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Back to Top links

I've just put in some back to top links which get repeated on all posts.
This is a test post to check they get repeated in the posts HTML.