Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What is Runninghead?

This Blog is run from the runninghead site. At present the blog is known only to myself so I'm writing for any audience that might turn up at some time in the future. I think the first useful post might be to explain exactly what the runninghead enterprise is.

Initially it arose as an attempt to make my artistic skills more commercial.
I've always loved mucking about on computers and some time after my Fine Art degree I trained in print and webdesign.
The first incarnation of the runninghead site was set up with an expensive private host and was designed primarily to present my new found web skills.
I also envisaged it as a portal to a collective of affiliated Creatives, each full or part-time freelancer a node in a net of mutually reinforcing skills.
The site has yet to officially include any other Creatives (we're a competetive bunch) though effectively the runninghead collective already operates on an informal basis.
Later, when I really started to get more web-savvy, runninghead moved to a very low-cost, high value server where it had all the functionality and space to run around like a free-range chicken.
It then developed to include not just print and web material but also paintings and other creative endeavours (a folio of Flash interactives is pending).
Runninghead now serves mainly to present my design and illustration folios to the world.
I've been freelance for 4 years now, full time freelance for about 3.
There you have it, and for those curious- a runninghead is an old print term for a chapter header that is printed at (usually) the top right corner of every page in a book, letting you know where you are all the way through.

I'm currently learning XHTML and becoming a CSS Jedi with the aid of the really excellent "CSS Mastery", a Friends Of Ed Book by Andy Budd and partners.

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