Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Snooty Girl Illustration Remake

Taking an old illustration and improving it with my current skills and tastes.

From left: Old (scanned pencil and digital colour), new (digital, black lineart), new (pale lineart), new (coloured lineart).

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Perspective Drawing

Here's my comment on yesterdays post by James Gurney.

He's recommending several old books that are timeless, trusted classics for learning art.

James helped me find Earnest Norling's "Perspective Drawing". I'd been given it as a child and I'd forgotten both Title and Author. Since buying an old copy online I've found it just as comprehensive and useful as I'd remembered. As you progress through the book the charmingly vintage American illustration style walks you gently through everything you need to know in a very efficient manner. An infant would find the early pages understandable and a professional might find the final pages challenging. It really is a book that can serve you well for a lifetime in art.

View the original post at Gurney Journey.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Influence Map

Here's my Influence Map:

An Influence Map is a sort of chart of your artistic influences, the larger the image, the greater their influence on you.
Only those you've actually copied, studied and learned a lot from should be included.
No friends and colleagues included as I wouldn't wish to embarrass anyone by including them (or leaving one out!).

Download the template file from the creator's DeviantArt page at http://fav.me/d2vx881 and create your own.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Trick Cyclist

For all the other cyclists called Tom out there, and for anyone else who enjoys sleek, cool fun Flash playthings, here's the latest from Vector Park. http://www.vectorpark.com/thomas/seasons.html

Thursday, June 07, 2012

This blog has moved

This blog is now located at http://blog.runninghead.com/.
You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds or you may click here.

For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Efficient social media management

All the major digital art talents agree on one thing- it's vital to get connected.
As Bobby Chiu (or was it Neil Gaiman?) said "Think of yourself as an island, you have to put a lot of messages in bottles/build a lot of bridges to other islands to get a response.".
In the interests of getting more connected with the greater art-world then, I'm going to start blogging again. Blogging, tweeting, updating face book. The problem is, it takes time. Time I should spend working. So I looked in to it. There's this tweet management tool called "Hootsuite" that's supposed to make it easy to update multiple social media accounts at once. But it doesn't update blogs too. Unless you hook it up to Ping FM, which is being replaced by Seesmic. Bloody hell, what a mess. Surely there's a single, free, tool that helps you manage ALL social media. Well, at least it's a step in the right direction, so from now on I'll be updating my social media accounts with hootsuite, linked to Seesmic, which may add Blog functionality later this year. If you know of a better solution, please let me know. I'll also be adding better, regular content to this blog, to make it worth following.